Fingerprinting is a process or example of identifying someone’s fingerprint ink for identification purposes and is also used to determine a person’s identity in order to create a complete criminal record.

Our staff are certified and authorized to complete ink based

fingerprinting on fingerprint cards or forms for most applications.

What can we do for you?

  • We can Meet you anytime, anywhere in Houston or you can visit us at our place (9am-6pm)
  • Flexible payments Options
  • Give a discount for groups.
  • Work with individuals and groups large and small.
  • Provide single point of contact for all of your Fingerprinting needs.


We are available 24/7 through Mobile Fingerprinting; You can have Mobile Fingerprinting Agent anytime at any location in Houston.

Late Night and Early Morning and Weekends Appointments should be booked in advance.

Fingerprinting Fees:

Mobile Fees:

We take $50 advance as mobile Fingerprinting agent Fee, all other fees will be paid on spot. Click “Book Now” to call mobile Fingerprinting agent at your place.

From (Monday-Friday) between 9 am to 6 pm, one of our Fingerprinting agent will travel to the location of your choice for $25 startup and $1 for each mileage,

There are additional fees for after hours , weekends, holidays, and locations such as air ports, jails, hospitals, nursing home and Detention Centers.

For questions, Please call us at 281-999-9909 Or 281-562-8322 for a quote.